How to clean a mattress the right way? A mattress is a serious investment that serves you for more than a decade. That’s why you need to regularly clean it to ensure that it doesn’t harm the health of your family.
While many people think that cleaning a mattress is a difficult task, it’s not quite so. You just need to have the required tools at hand and clean the mattress without putting in much effort. Read on to learn some tips on how to clean the mattress the right way.
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The first step in taking care of your mattress is to remove everything from it. Start with the top bedding, like: pillows and blankets. Keep in mind that they are also full of dust and bacteria, so you need to remove the pillow cases and machine wash them.
As you are done with the first layer, go with the second layer of sheets. Always try to fold up the sheets while removing them as they may have dust mites and food crumbs. So you want them not to fall on the floor while you are carrying them to the laundry basket.
Now that your mattress is clear, you have to proceed with vacuuming it. Use the large nozzle attachment to travel all over the mattress and remove dust, dead skin, and food residue. Next, switch to the upholstery nozzle to address the cracks and edges which also harbor much dirt.
Addressing fresh spills is probably the easiest part of mattress cleaning. You need just a clean cloth that you dump with cold water to blot the spill. Keep in mind that the fastest you address the spill, the easier to remove it it is.
Avoid scrubbing with vigor or pushing deep into the spill. It may help the liquid absorb further into the mattress. Don’t forget that moisture inside the mattress will only lead to a favorable environment for mold and mildew building. So try to stay as gentle and careful as you can.
Dealing with old stains is a bit of a harder task, but not impossible if you use the right products. Take 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide and 2 tablespoons dish detergent. Mix them well to create suds.
Dip a toothbrush into the suds and scrub it on the stained area of the mattress. Keep rubbing until the spot goes away. If it stays after one try, dip the brush into suds once again and repeat the process. After that, use a dump cloth to remove the excess soap.
For stains like: blood, pet urine, sweat, oils and vomit use an enzyme cleaner to clean the mattress off. Spray the cleaner on a cloth then blot the cloth onto the stain. Then leave it to reach good saturation and take its effect properly. After 15 minutes, use a cloth dump with cold water to remove enzyme residue.
Now that you’ve gotten rid of all stains, it’s baking soda time. Pour a generous amount of it in a bowl and add some essential oil to remove unpleasant odors from the mattress. As you get the mixture ready, spread it on the mattress as evenly as you can.
Allow 30 minutes for the soda to sit and absorb all smells and break down acids. If you afford it, you can leave the mixture on the mattress for several hours. It will ensure even better cleaning. As time has passed, use a vacuum cleaner to suck all soda particles.
As you get your mattress perfectly clean and pleasantly smelling, it is a good idea to air it out. Open the windows to allow fresh air to assault the mattress and dry any liquid left out. If you are lucky to have a sunny day, it’s even better. The UV rays will help kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
You have to do mattress cleaning on a regular basis for healthy sleep. There is nothing difficult in doing this task. You just need to make sure you have the basic tools and products at hand. As well as sacrificing a couple of hours to ensure that the mattress gets completely clean and dry.